Kate Giles


5 Thellusson Lodge, Church Walk Aldeburgh IP15 5DT
(Please use Church Car Park – no parking on site)

07736 062 697

[email protected]


Kate Giles is a contemporary artist  living and working now in Norfolk whose work for many years has focused intently on the landscape of her native East Anglia.
Paint describes a bold expressionist dialogue between what is closely examined in space,place and time and how it is actively deployed to challenge the surface of the work itself : contrasting densities of paint overlapping,undercutting and bearing witness to the ongoing process of painting itself.

Please note that the below map is a google generated map based on the postcode and may not be pin point accurate. Please look out for our signature PINK & WHITE bunting at the entrance to the studio.

5 Thellusson Lodge, Church Walk Aldeburgh IP15 5DT
(Please use Church Car Park – no parking on site)


Entry to 5 Thellusson Lodge will be through a side passage further along Church Walk as there is no access through the driveway
– see map (right)

UPDATE! – Please be aware that due to unforeseen circumstances, there will be scaffold fencing alongside the path. Though narrow, please follow the bunting to reach the artistic destination. Rest assured, you won’t be disappointed.

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